35 St. Marks Place
New York, NY 10003
(212) 420-6370
FIVE SIMPLE STEPS to enjoying you pre-packaged rice balls:
MIKE EATS NEXT TIME: Yup, it's the best meal you can find on St. Marks Place for four bucks and wrapped in plastic with three-step instructions.
Wait...one of those things are $4!? Try Cafe Zaia right near St.Marks, across from Cooper Union. They have these too and I think they're cheaper! And the same fun is had opening them! I am constantly amazed by the Japanese...what will they think of next!? Personal computation devices???
Woah, last time I went, which was just yesterday... an ume onigiri was $1.29! Cafe Zaiya is cheaper, they sell them for about a buck each.
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